
DoubleTree by Hilton in London

Parking Information

Self-Parking in the DoubleTree by Hilton Lot is available adjacent to the hotel (based on availability). Please inform the hotel staff upon check-in if you park in this lot. Additional parking can be found in the lot across the street.

Overnight Guests

A group rate of $155 per night plus taxes, has been arranged at the DoubleTree by Hilton in London. Please contact the hotel directly by February 5, 2025, to book your accommodations (+1 519-439-1661). Mention Ontario Swine Conference (or the group code: OSC) when you call.

You can also book your accommodation for OSC online.

If you have reserved a room for your stay, please check in with hotel staff at guest services on arrival at the event.

If you are a delegate, president or secretary of Ontario Pork please contact Olga Klashtorny for your hotel accommodation and conference registration.

Conference Registration

When you arrive in the front lobby, take the stairs or elevators on your left to the 2nd floor. You’ll find the registration desk there to pick up your name badge.

Where will the sessions be?

Most conference sessions will be held on the 2nd floor. A few workshops will take place on the 3rd floor in the Queen Victoria room. See the maps below for specific room locations.

  • Grand Ballroom (2nd Floor)
  • Centre Hall (2nd Floor)
  • East Hall (2nd Floor)
  • West Hall (2nd Floor)
  • Windsor Club (2nd Floor)
  • Queen Victoria Room (3rd Floor)

Second Floor Map

Most conference sessions will take place on the 2nd floor. Use the stairs or elevators in the lobby to reach these rooms. Click the map for an expanded view.

Second floor map of the Ontario Swine Conference
Expand the map

Third Floor Map

The 3rd floor can be accessed via the elevators or stairs near the Windsor Club. This is where the Queen Victoria room is, which is the location for some workshops. Click the map for an expanded view.

Third floor map of the Ontario Swine Conference where the Queen Victoria Room is located
Expand the map

Have any questions about the venue?

We are available to answer any questions you have about the venue, conference registration, or parking.